PCGS 1995-D Roosevelt dime with an indent from a curved clipped dime planchet. The coin was struck thru a curved clipped (about 3-5% size clip) which resulting in an indent in the planchet area, and...
PCGS 1960-D Roosevelt dime split before strike, with the rough, split side on the coin's reverse. It is difficult to find fully split before strikes on silver coins, as they are scarce. AU58
PCGS 1912-D Barber dime uncentered broadstrike. The coin was struck out of collar, and so is larger in diameter than normal, and also has no reeding on the edge!
PCGS 1962-D Roosevelt dime broadstrike. The coin was struck out of collar allowing it to expand beyond its normal diameter. Very scarce date for major striking errors.
PCGS clad Roosevelt dime struck on a tiny piece of planchet fragment. It weighs 0.05 grams, and has an irregular shape around most of the coin. A small fragment, and struck both sides. Scarce...