contact us

Office Hours: 8 AM-5 PM Monday-Friday.
Sullivan Numismatics, Inc
PO Box 579
Land O Lakes, FL 34639

Jon P. Sullivan

Phone: (931)-797-4888


Error Coin Information & Examination If you have a question about an error coin's value, authenticity, or if you are just wondering what kind of error it is, please use the email option to contact us, and we will reply when we have a chance. Also, include a clear photo of both sides of the coin with your email. If you'd like an in-person examination, you can mail the coin(s) to us at the address above. Please email first to let us know you are sending anything as well as the quantity of coins. Fees are $20 per coin, and $10 return postage. Insurance (if desired) is additional, and we are not liable for the loss of your coins. 


Customer Service

(931)-797-4888 Weekdays 9:30am-5:30pm GMT+7