Wrapping Up Error Coins for 2023
Posted by Jon Sullivan on Dec 23rd 2023
2023 Comes to a CloseAs we wind down 2023, the error coin hobby is alive and thriving. Coin clubs such as CONECA have high numbers of members. Online error coin clubs have active, and eager collectors. Error coins regularly make the headlines in auctions, news, and are discussed in articles in various publications. 2024 promises to be another good year for error coin collectors, and based the acti
Error Coin Market Report Thanksgiving Edition
Posted by Jon Sullivan on Nov 17th 2023
We have had a few coin shows in the last month, with the first being the new IMEX show in Nashville, TN, and then last week there was the Baltimore Whitman show, in Baltimore, MD. The Nashville show was the first for that location, and everyone generally had low expectations going into the show (since 1st year shows tend to be on the slow side.) It turned out to be as expected, slow, but ok. Some
​Build an Enjoyable, Challenging, and Affordable Error Collection
Posted by Jon P. Sullivan on Sep 22nd 2023
There are many ways to collect mint errors, but 3 of the most important things to do is to pick one which you find enjoyable, challenging, and within your budget. If you do those three things, you will have a rewarding coin collecting experience, and enjoy it the more when you finally do complete it.But what should you collect? Mint errors are one of the most creative types of coin collections tha
​Miscellaneous Error Coin Updates
Posted by Jon Sullivan on Sep 1st 2023
The last few months have been busy—two coins shows, including one of the biggest of the years, the summer ANA Worlds Fair of Money. The show started for us on Tuesday, with some wholesale business with other dealers, and throughout the week we saw many retail clients as well as other dealers. It was a busy show, and resulted in a decent number (although not as much as we wanted!) of new purchases
July 2023 Error Coin Report
Posted by Jon Sullivan on Jul 5th 2023
The summer Florida United Numismatics (FUN for short) coin show is coming up very shortly--next week in fact! Held in Orlando, Florida, it has become an excellent show. Generally considered to be a "slow show" in years past, that is no longer the case, with the show now generally considered a "must-attend" event for collectors dealers nationwide.Of course, we are there to buy and sell errors, and
error coin news update
Posted by JonSullivan on Apr 18th 2023
This year has been busy, with several major coin shows thus far, and the upcoming Central States coin show in Schaumburg, IL--which promises to be a good show, with around 600 tables. If you are attending the show, we look forward to seeing you there!Some major collections have come to market over the last 12 months, which were remarkable, but are now broken up and seem to have been well dispersed
Error Coin Report December 2022
Posted by JonSullivan on Dec 7th 2022
It has been a busy year at Sullivan Numismatics, with sales greatly increased from 2020 and 2021. We have been able to acquire many fresh coins to our inventory as well, and we have 50% more mint errors in stock than we did during much of the 2020-2021 period. The coin market had really come back to more or less "pre-covid" levels in most respects, with prices moderating on many coins that h
Coins Struck on Foreign Nation's Coinage
Posted by JonSullivan on Oct 10th 2022
In the United States we have struck coins for foreign countries since 1876. Since then, the United state has struck well over 100 years of coins for foreign nations, and in the process has minted a lot of U.S. coins overstruck on other country's coins. Some are struck on just the planchet, while others are struck on a already struck coin (creating a double-denomination.) All of these are generally
ANA Convention August 2022
Posted by JonSullivan on Aug 22nd 2022
The ANA World's Fair of Money held August 16-20, 2022, in Rosemont, IL, was a resounding success both for us and for other coin dealers at the show! Sales were high, with collectors buying, and dealers having strong wholesale activity. Some dealers reported some of their strongest sales ever, and we had one of if not our best Chicago show ever (for sales.) The coin market is strong, and activity i
Double-Strike Mint Errors
Posted by JonSullivan on Aug 11th 2022
We recently submitted an article to PCGS, which was published on their website. It can be viewed here using this link: https://www.pcgs.com/news/doublestruck-mint-errors